Definitions Of Standard Drink, Low-Risk Drinking Vary Significantly Among Countries: Study

Most people these days are aware that excessive alcohol consumption is bad. But while some may heed warnings better than others, new research suggests that where you live also impacts your definition of excessive and low-risk drinking.
According to a new report published in Addiction, the definition of excessive drinking varies widely from country to country, and some nations don’t provide a definitive answer at all. Scientists from Stanford University examined 75 countries’ drinking guidelines to see which delivered a figure for what constituted a “standard drink,” and what level of consumption qualified as low-risk drinking. Only 27 countries — less than 50 percent — provided guidelines for low-risk drinking, and their definitions for a standard drink were unexpectedly inconsistent.
What countries considered a standard drink varied by 250 percent, from a low of 8 grams of pure alcohol in Iceland and the United Kingdom, to a high of 20 grams in Austria. Eight grams is equivalent to 8.45 U.S. fluid ounces of 4 percent alcohol by volume (abv) beer, 2.57 oz of 13 percent abv wine, or 0.85 oz of a 40 percent abv spirit.
Iceland’s conservative standards in its guidelines were consistent when it came to low-risk consumption, too — one can only be a low-risk drinker if they consume less than 10 grams of pure alcohol per day. Chile, in contrast, allows 56 grams per day before someone is considered a high-risk drinker. Some countries, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Mexico, and the UK, allow more to drink on special occasions.
Meanwhile, Australia, Grenada, Portugal and South Africa have done away with gender differences in their guidelines: Low-risk drinking standards are the same for men and women. The UK’s new guidelines do the same — one of many controversial aspects of the country’s new plan for safe drinking standards. The guideline change demonstrated how much those within a country can disagree about proper alcohol consumption, but the new research shows countries disagree with each other as well.
“If you think your country should have a different definition of a standard drink or low-risk drinking, take heart — there’s probably another country that agrees with you,” study co-author Keith Humphreys said in a statement.
The World Health Organization, the agency that oversees public health on an international scale, has its own guidelines for drinking as well: A standard drink is 10 grams of pure alcohol, and both sexes should not exceed two standard drinks per day. The WHO’s definition of a standard drink is the most popular worldwide, but 50 percent of countries with drinking guidelines have chosen not to use it. For example, in the U.S., the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines a standard drink as “about 14 grams of pure alcohol.”
Conflicting research on alcohol has led to confusion regarding safe consumption, since some studies suggest a small amount of the substance, most notably in the form of red wine, may be good for you. Other scientists reject this, and a WHO report warned that any amount of alcohol increases your cancer risk. Researchers may never agree completely on alcohol consumption, but one thing is certain: Excessive drinking is a no-no.
Source: Kalinowski A, Humphreys K. Governmental Standard Drink Definitions and Low-Risk Alcohol Consumption guidelines in 37 Countries. Addiction. 2016.