Drinkable Sunscreen Uses Wave Technology, Could Be The Next Big Thing In Complete UV Ray Protection

Update: 3/14/17: This story was updated to include a reference to a suit filed against Osmosis by the Attorney General of Iowa.
“Can you rub sunscreen on my back?” might be one of the best summer pickup lines of all time, but that excuse might soon go away with a drinkable sunscreen. Osmosis Skincare claims that their product, Harmonised H20 UV protection, can protect anyone from the sun up to factor 30. Sunscreen protection factor, also known as SPF, is a measure of how much UV radiation exposure is needed to burn the protected skin — not a measure of how much time a person can spend in the sun before getting burned.
Ben Johnson, M.D., an aesthetic medicine practitioner, says that while this product is not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved, it is still effective. Dr. Johnson did say that he tried to go to the FDA for approval, but since this is a skincare product, the process wasn’t as seamless as he hoped it would be.
Harmonised is a water-based, drinkable product that works using scalar wave technology to protect against the sun's rays. Scalar wave technology is a hollistic approach to healing using stationary or longitudinal waves. Dr. Johnson does note that when he first started formulating the product there were some setbacks, but insists that the product does work. “The first round was not effective," Dr. Johnson told Medical Daily. "We found out that the product didn’t work when the person went into salt water, so we went through early formulation changes... People are very skeptical of the product, but I’m not going to recommend plain water to a bunch of my patients and then have them come back with sunburns."
According Dr. Johnson’ recommendations, the product should be ingested an hour before you head out into the sun — one and a half hours if you eat since the food will interact with the product. He also notes that exercising will have an effect on the product. “The higher your heart rate gets, the less this product will work,” he said.
There have also been a number of internal trials done in his office, and he has been developing and working on this product for several years. “Of course this stuff isn’t flying off of the shelves, but we have thousands of people who have used this product and are completely satisfied. I even use this and so does my family.”
In March 2017, the office of the Attorney General of Iowa filed suit against Osmosis, alleging that the makers of "drinkable sunscreen" failed to prove that the product functioned as protection against cancer.