Drinks That Can Do More Than Quench Your Thirst

Your refrigerator can hold anything and everything you need for a parched palate, from orange juice to milk to tea. Each drink contains several health benefits for any individual that can do more than just quench your thirst. Pickle juice, coconut milk and cherry juice can ease muscle spasms, stave off hunger or alleviate gas. Here are few things you should add to your list the next time you go grocery shopping.
For muscle cramps: pickle juice. According to researchers from North Dakota State University, volunteers who consumed pickle juice stopped complaining of cramping within 85 seconds, about 37 percent faster than the water drinkers and 45 percent faster than when they didn't drink anything at all. So if you can stomach it, pickle juice may be the appropriate choice to help alleviate painful muscle spasms.
For a sore throat: herbal tea. According to The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, gargling chamomile tea that has been cooled can help soothe a sore throat. However, any herbal tea, including teas specially created for sore throats will work. Lemon and honey are good additions to any tea. Lemons can help cut the mucus while honey can reduce discomfort.
For mouth sores: coconut milk. Coconut milk is rich in lauric acid, a fatty acid with anti-viral, antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also form a chemical barrier on the skin to protect and heal infections, such as canker sores.
For hunger: milk. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that drinking fat free milk in the morning helped increase satiety, which in turn led to decreased calorie intake at the next meal.
For gas and bloating: water with baking soda . Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate, one of the main ingredients in some antacid medications. It helps neutralize the stomach's acid. Keep in mind sodium can cause an increase in blood pressure, so consult with your physician prior to consuming this beverage.
To fall asleep: tart cherry juice, brandy or chamomile. Physicians once used brandy as a sedative during the 19th century. Additionally, in a study conducted by Dr. Glyn Howatson, cherry juice was found to up melatonin levels, which help improve sleep duration and sleep quality. Chamomile can also help you get a good night rest.