Drunkest Days Of The Year: 15 Days Of The Year Americans Drink The Most On

Are you running to the liquor store to keep warm this winter? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. With shorter days, longer nights, chilly temperatures, and extended vacations, why wouldn’t winter be the ideal time of year to sit back with your favorite alcoholic beverage and drink your way through family gatherings? Data released by BACtrack, a company marketing breathalyzers that connect to smartphones, has revealed the top 15 drunkest days of 2013, and winter holidays did not disappoint.
BACtrack analyzed close to 300,000 Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) test results to provide insights on drinking patterns across the United States. The legal BAC limit in all 50 states is 0.08 percent, which all 15 days of the year on this list surpassed. In fact, the average BAC between Dec. 1 and March 31 is higher than any other time of the year. Let’s see what winter holidays made up the booziest time of year.