Teenagers have shown that they are eager to take part in idiotic Internet challenges without understanding, or caring about, potential risks. The Kylie Jenner Challenge had teens performing DIY lip enhancements with disastrous results. The Condom Challenge almost ended with a couple of teens unintentionally drowning their friends. And now we have The Duct Tape Challenge, which has already resulted in a near fatal accident.

Skyler Fish and his friends had performed this stunt a couple of times in the past by duct taping each other to poles. It involves having your friends duct tape your entire body to a chair while you try to break free. This time they decided to up the ante by duct taping Skylar while we was standing up. In his attempt to break out of the duct tape cocoon, Fish fell forward, sustained an initial hit to the head by crashing into a window frame, and a second on the concrete floor.

"I don’t know what I would do if I lost him. They told me over and over that ... he’s lucky to be alive," Sarah Fish, Skylar’s mom, told Q13 FOX. "They’re just looking at what’s fun, what’s cool, what's going to impress their friends. 'I can break out of this duct tape. I'm the strongest. I’m the best.' They’re not thinking 'what if I fall and hit my head?'"

Skylar ended up crushing his left eye socket and cheekbone and sustained a brain aneurysm. He required 48 staples in his head and doctors are unsure if he’ll ever regain vision in his left eye. In spite of all that, Skylar reiterated that he’s “lucky to be alive.” Both Skylar and his mom urge kids to not attempt The Duct Tape Challenge and for parents to be more vigilant of what their kids are doing in their downtime.