Many men get benign prostatic hyperplasia without knowing they have done so. What might seem like a mild to barely noticeable lower urinary tract infection can actually be a prostrate problem.

But if you have symptoms like difficulty starting a urine stream; weak flow; dribbling after urination, feeling of heavy bladder after urinating; an urge to urinate again soon after urinating and pain during urination; then you have benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Before rushing to the doctor you will need to make some lifestyle changes to manage the problem. Here’s what you can do:

1. Urinate as much as possible, relax for a few moments, and then urinate again.

2. Relax before you urinate and let go. Getting stressed about it will only make it worse.

3. Take your time to urinate.

4. Sit down to urinate to ease the pain.

5. Turn on a tap or picture running water in your mind to get your urine flowing.

6. Improve your fluid intake to avoid getting dehydrated, which can aggravate the problem.

7.Avoid alcohol as it can dry you up from inside. Drink water or juices instead throughout the day.

8. If you often wake up because you need to urinate, limit your fluid intake in the evening, and empty your bladder before bedtime.