Most successful personal relationships begin with the capacity to listen and end with the capacity to love. It's always a two-way street and emotional intelligence, or emotional quotient (EQ), always plays a key role in its success. EQ can be applied to professional success as well.

Emotional intelligence is basically the ability to be mindful of your own emotions, as well as those of others. One must use this information to guide his own thinking and behavior in beneficial ways.

An emotionally intelligent individual is highly conscious of his own emotional state and is able to identify and manage them. Psychologists say these people are also especially tuned-in to the emotions others experience.

This extra sensitivity to emotional signals from within and from the social environment can make one a better friend, romantic partner, parent or leader. EQ skills can be learned and be honed.

A robust emotional intelligence extends beyond a person's own emotional well-being. Higher EQ is linked to better health, better performance at work and stronger relationships.

A higher emotional intelligence is linked to lower stress and increased happiness, Lower emotional intelligence correlates to higher stress and more loneliness.

The effects of higher emotional intelligence on your health includes a stronger immune system, better cardiovascular health and better blood sugar control, among others.

A higher emotional intelligence also improves one's professional performance.

Most people would consider good managers and successful CEOs to be just downright smart. A successful manager generally exhibits a high IQ, but new research confirms previous findings that EQ also matters a great deal more than IQ.

“For jobs of all kinds, emotional intelligence is twice as important as a person’s intelligence quotient and technical skills combined," according to one study.

Because every job involves interacting with other people, it makes perfect sense emotional intelligence influences success at work.

As for relationships, a strong connection between high EQ and good interpersonal relationships has been proven time and again. Emotional intelligence consistently predicts positive relationships in both children and adults, said a number of studies.

Being more aware of your emotions and those of the people around you nourishes compassion. Self-regulating extreme emotions ensures a person will avoid doing something hurtful under stress.

And if a person is being bashed, with EQ that person will have the ability to process the emotions this conflict generates in a way that will be helpful, and not harmful to himself and others.

There may be a scientific basis for infidelity. Photo Courtesy of Pixabay