For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Legal Marijuana: Poll

More Americans than ever approve of the legalization of marijuana in the country, according to a Gallup poll Tuesday.
The survey found that 50 percent of Americans now say marijuana use should be legalized while 46 percent say it should not. Liberals and those 18 to 29 were the most in favor while Americans 65 and older and conservatives were most opposed.
"Support for legalizing marijuana has been increasing over the past several years, rising to 50 percent today -- the highest on record. If this current trend on legalizing marijuana continues, pressure may build to bring the nation's laws into compliance with the people's wishes," according to the Gallup poll results.
When Gallup first asked about legalizing marijuana, in 1969, 12 percent of Americans favored it, while 84 percent were opposed. Legalization support passed 30 percent in 2000 and 40 percent in 2009 before reaching this year's all time record, according to Gallup measures.
The survey emerges as the U.S. is going through crucial times regarding marijuana legalization. In total, 16 states have legalized medical marijuana use but the Federal Government has opted to intervene in the states and enforce federal drug laws.
For example, in California, where medical marijuana is permitted, the Federal Government announced October 7, that it will begin to crack down pot dispensaries claiming they serve as "storefronts" for drug trafficking.
The Federal Government claimed that people are using medical marijuana to make "tons of money," and sometimes engage in drug trafficking. But medical marijuana advocates say the Federal Government should not intervene in the issue.
Also last Friday, the California Medical Association adopted the position to legalize marijuana citing "frustration" over the state's medical marijuana law and saying that only when the Federal Government makes it legal, scientists would be able to conduct research and find out if the drug truly has medical benefits.