Poisonous formaldehyde fumes, often emitted from freshly built homes or apartments, are present in higher than accepted concentrations in Brazilian Blowout.

The unique hair formula which has gained traction among women due to its ability to make curly hair very controllable, is to be “removed from shelves” unless compliant with guidelines now issued by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) representatives.

The Food and Drug Administration had earlier warned that the product contained up to 10.4 percent formaldehyde, much higher than the 0.1 percent required for occupational hazard alerts to be included. The product had been misleading with its 'formaldehyde free' statements, across its advertising and marketing materials.

In a statement on its website, the company assured its loyal fans that it would work to “ensure the Brazilian Blowout complies with both state and federal guidelines.”

"In our continued effort to clear up misinformation about the Brazilian Blowout, we are delighted to be working with the FDA," it said.

The August 22 warning letter, sent to the CEO of the hair product maker, Mike Brady, gives until September 12 for the product to ensure the correct labeling. It is however, unlikely to deter the legions of women using it who insist that the air disperses the formaldehyde upon using it.

"Brazilian Blowout is misbranded because its label and labeling (including instructions for use) makes misleading statements regarding the product's ingredients and fails to reveal material facts with respect to consequences that may result from the use of the product," wrote Michael W. Roosevelt, acting director of the Office of Compliance at the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.