Yeast is a fungus. It is known by its scientific name Candida. The specific type of fungus most commonly responsible for vaginitis is Candida albicans. Yeast is present everywhere and more commonly on normal human skin and in areas of moisture, such as the mouth and vagina. In fact, as much as 50 per cent of healthy women normally carry yeast in the vaginal area.

In fact, it is estimated that between 20%-50% of healthy women normally carry yeast in the vaginal area. Vaginal yeast infections occur when new yeast is introduced into the vaginal area. Or when there is an increase in the quantity of yeast already present in the vagina relative to the quantity of normal bacteria.

Itching in the vaginal area is the most common symptom of yeast infection. Below are a set of four approaches to effectively manage yeast infections:

1) Gentian violet: One per cent solution of Gentian violet is found to be an effective remedy for yeast infections. Prepare a solution of one per cent solution by adding a teaspoon full of Gentian violet to a quarter liter of water. Apply it over the infected area

2) Home remedies:

1. Take a liter of boiled but cooled water and add two teaspoons full of vinegar or lemon juice. Apply this over the affected area. But avoid this method if you are pregnant

2. Prepare a solution by mixing 5 grams of potassium sorbate in a pint of water. Using a cotton tampon, insert it into the vagina and keep overnight. Remove it in the morning

3. Mix olive leaf extract and grapefruit seed extract and add them to a glass of water. Use it to wash the affected area. This is an effective cure for treating yeast infection

4. Anti-fungal: Creams with fungicides can be applied locally. Doctors also prescribe suppositories to be inserted into the vagina

5. Restrict sex: Since vagina is the most susceptible organ in your body, it is best to avoid active sex during treatment period