Muammar Gaddafi is expected to be buried on Friday as celebrations throughout Libya continue and details emerge about the deposed dictator’s final moments.

Gaddafi’s body lay in a meat store on Friday as rebels argued over how to bury the strongman. Reuters says a bullet wound in Gaddafi’s head was visible.

A commander of rebel fighters in Misrata told Reuters he expected Gaddafi would be buried in a Muslim cemetery within 24 hours. A senior official said there was no agreement yet on the place, whether that be “Misrata, Sirte, or somewhere else.”

Video footage emerging Friday shows a bloodied and battered Gaddafi lecturing revolutionary fighters.

“Do you know what’s right or wrong?” Gaddafi is heard saying according to Fox News.

Gaddafi was heard telling the soldiers “what you are doing is forbidden in Islamic law.”

One rebel is heard saying “shut up you dog,” amid celebratory firing of shots in the air.

In other video footage released Friday at the scene of Gaddafi’s capture shouts of “keep him alive are heard.”

Meanwhile celebrations continued throughout the country, with feasts and parades expected to be held in most major cities after noon prayers, the Wall Street Journal reported.