Get These 3 Health Benefits By Drinking Wheatgrass Shots

Health trends come and go, such as fad diets or the latest cleanse. Although growing a plant such as wheatgrass in your home may sound like just another trend, the benefits of eating this plant may be worth it. One ounce of wheatgrass contains 120 calories, eight grams of dietary fiber and eight grams of protein. In terms of our recommended dietary allowance (RDA), wheatgrass has 240 percent of vitamin A, 93 percent of vitamin C, 356 percent of iron, and 12 percent of calcium, according to Organic Authority.
Wheatgrass can be grown indoors or outdoors and later squeezed into a shot or juice, or shots can be picked up made-to-go at juice shops such as Jamba Juice. If the taste of wheatgrass isn’t for you, try adding it to a smoothie to gain all of the benefits without the taste. Here are five reasons to start incorporating wheatgrass into your diet.
Vitamins and Minerals
From one shot of wheatgrass juice, we receive a good dose of many of the recommended daily vitamins and minerals. This is one of the most common reasons people drink wheatgrass juice. The quick burst of energy gained from a wheatgrass short provides an ideal way to wake up in the morning and begin your day, according to Wheatgrass Express.
Reduces Fat
In a small study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2006, the liver mitochondria of rats that were given wheatgrass juice were shown to have a reduction in lipids, or fats. This attribute may suggest wheatgrass shots can help one lose weight.
May Treat Skin Disease
Although no clinical studies have been conducted, there are several testimonials of home treatments with wheatgrass showing it can be used to treat eczema and psoriasis. One such treatment includes taking a warm bath and adding a cup of wheatgrass juice for 30 minutes. Another is pouring wheatgrass juice into an ice cube tray, freezing it and rubbing a frozen cube across blemishes, scars, or damaged skin, according to Organic Authority.
Read more: Liquid Gold: 7 Health Benefits Of Honey That Could Heal Your Whole Body
SD Kulkarni, JC Tilak, R Acharya, NS Rajurkar, Devasagayam TP, AV Reddy. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L.) as a function of growth under different conditions. Phytotherapy Research. 2006.
E Ben-Arye, E Goldin, D Wengrower, A Stamper, R Kohn, E Berry. Wheat grass juice in the treatment of active distal ulcerative colitis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2002.