Graham, The Only “Man” Able To Survive Car Accident, Wins Grand Prix At Cannes Lions Health

Graham, a grotesque representation of what a man would have to look like in order to survive a car accident, won the Grand Prix award at this year’s Cannes Lions Health awards. The mannequin was designed by artist Patricia Piccinini, who enlisted the help of a trauma surgeon and an accident engineer to highlight how vulnerable the natural human body is to death by automobile accident.
The Cannes Lions Health awards celebrate outstanding healthcare and pharmaceutical campaigns and creative projects. Melbourne, Australia sculptor Patricia Piccinini created Graham, the only “human” evolved to withstand a car crash, last year to help people better understand how fragile their own bodies are. He won the Grand Pix, or first prize, award Saturday night in the Health & Wellness category of the Lions Health festival, Adweek reported. The campaign also won a gold Lion, three silver, and one bronze award.
Read: Buckle Up: Graham 'The Horrific Mannequin' Shows How Evolved Human Body Can Survive A Car Crash
Graham’s body has a huge chest with extra nipples to act as airbags upon impact, no neck so he can’t break it or experience whiplash in the event of an accident, and a flat fatty face that protects his nose and ears from injury, The Daily Mail reported.
“The most significant part of body for injury is the head,” explained trauma surgeon Christian Kenfield who help Piccinini on her project, The Daily Mail reported. “So as the head stops the brain actually keeps moving forward, smashing against the front part of the skull and then bouncing backwards and getting an injury on the back of the head as well.”
Graham also has thicker skin to protect himself from cuts and scratches in the event of an accident, and stronger legs with knees that bend in both directions.
“In the modern world we're subjecting ourselves to much higher speeds, and the body just doesn't have the physiology to absorb the energy when things go wrong," said David Logan, a safety engineer who helped Piccinini with her project, The Daily Mail reported. “A crash is about managing energy so when we're moving along the road we have energy. When we suddenly stop the car because we're in a crash that energy has to be absorbed by the car and by the driver.”
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and Highway Loss Data Institute, there were 32,166 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. in 2015, and of those there were 35,092 deaths. These numbers continue to rise, and last year the number of deaths was estimated to be at 40,200. This is the first time since 2007 that more than 40,000 people have died in motor vehicle accidents in a single year, The New York Times reported. Experts suspect that increased distracted driving, such as not only talking and texting while driving but also using smartphone apps while driving, may be to blame.
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