Gluten-free pasta made from green banana flour is tasty, healthy and cheaper to produce, says a new study from Brazil.

Now, people with celiac disease might be able to enjoy tasty pasta without worrying about the reactions of the body.

This study brings good news for people with celiac disease, banana growers, pasta makers and even healthy people who decide to go "gluten-free".

"There was no significant difference between the modified pasta and standard samples in terms of appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall quality. Green bananas are considered a sub-product of low commercial value with little industrial use. For banana growers and pasta product makers, there is the possibility of diversifying and expanding their market," said lead author Renata Puppin Zandonadi, PhD, from the Department of Nutrition, University of Brazil, in a press release.

Some fifty tasters with no celiac-disease and another 25 tasters with celiac disease were asked to compare the two types of pastas. The modified pasta was accepted by both the groups as the one having better taste, texture, aroma and overall-quality.

The modified pasta contains green banana flour, egg whites, water, and gums compared to standard whole wheat pasta that has wheat flour and eggs. The modified pasta reduced fat content by 98 percent.

"Considering that untreated celiac disease promotes cancer in intestinal cells and a highly inflammatory mucosal status, developing gluten-free products with bioactive compounds such as the ones present in green banana flour is important for celiac disease patients. Patients will benefit from ingesting a product with a better nutritional profile made from an ingredient that is produced and consumed throughout the world," said Dr. Zandonadi.

Interest in gluten-free diet has increased sales of products free of gluten. According to market estimates, sales of gluten-free foods in the U.S. will exceed $5 billion by 2015.

National Institute of Health's PubMed says that "celiac disease cannot be cured. However, your symptoms will go away and the villi in the lining of the intestines will heal if you follow a lifelong gluten-free diet. Do not eat foods, beverages, medications that contain wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats."

An estimated one in every 133 American suffers from celiac disease.

Some experts say that it is possible for some people to have sensitivity towards gluten but not a full-blown allergic reaction that involves antibodies. But, experts say that symptoms are severe in patients with gluten-sensitivity.

The study is published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.