Han Lei, Chinese Man, Kills Toddler By Throwing Her After Dispute With Mother; Receives Death Sentence
A Chinese man has been convicted of murder and is sentenced to death after throwing a 2-year-old girl to the ground. She died a few days later in the hospital.
According to the Associated Press, the incident occurred in a district south of Beijing, while the girl and her mother were waiting at a bus stop. Looking for a parking spot, Han, 39, told the mother that the carriage was in his way. He reportedly beat the mother down and then lifted and threw the child out of the carriage after the mother refused to move the pram.
In court, Han said, “At that time I didn’t know it was a baby carriage. I thought because the woman had just been shopping that it was a shopping cart,” state media reports.
The incident has shocked and angered Chinese people. Han, who has been convicted for car theft in the past, said he did not intend to murder the girl but has received the death penalty nonetheless.
Li Ming, another man who drove Han away as he fled from the scene, was arrested as well and sentenced to 5 years in prison.