Health Benefits Of Pineapple: Why You Should Be Getting More Of This Tropical Fruit In Your Diet

Don’t be thrown off by the spiky exterior — pineapple is an extremely healthy fruit and you should be getting more of it in your diet by any means possible. In a recent video, the team at Right Colors helped to sum up the top reasons why pineapple should be celebrated as the superfruit it really is.
According to Right Colors, the majority of pineapple’s health benefits can be traced back to one particularly special enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is derived from the stem and juice of the pineapple and according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, was first isolated from the pineapple plant in the late 1800s. This enzyme is most noted for its help with digestion, and Right Colors says it helps to break down proteins and rich fatty meals that can leave you feeling cramped, bloated, or having low energy.
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Bromelain’s health benefits do not stop at digestion. It also has anti-inflammatory abilities that make pineapple especially helpful in fighting off the flu or hay fever. Some research has even suggested pineapple has cancer prevention abilities, and that bromelain can suppress the growth of cancer cells and even destroy them.
In addition, pineapple is also very rich in vitamin C, which helps build up the immune system, protect against cardiovascular disease, and boost eye and skin health, WebMD reported.
What pineapple doesn’t do, despite popular legend, is improve the taste of semen. Although bodily fluids can be influenced by your diet, it’s not as simple as drinking a glass of juice before you, uh, get busy. This could take up to months, and even then the difference would be minimal.
“No amount of pineapple in the world is going to make that semen taste like a piña colada, and honestly that would be a bit alarming anyway," Dr. Madeleine Castellanos, sex therapist, and author of "Wanting to Want," told BuzzFeed Health.
See Also:
Pineapple Juice Changes Taste Of Semen And 4 Other Misconceptions Ruining Your Sex Life