Healthy Food More Likely To Be Perceived As Feminine: How Gender Stereotypes Factor Into Food Packaging

Not even our food is safe from gender stereotypes, says a new study published in Social Psychology.
This is already pretty obvious, suggests Time; more often than not TV commercials will depict women as the ones who want healthier foods, like yogurt and salad — not men. Lead study author Luke Zhu explained to Time that this idea women tend to eat more healthfully than men is a cultural stereotype. So these commercials are simply relaying “what society thinks women should do,” Zhu added.
But what sets this study apart is that not only does it find that gender is a factor in food packaging, but these stereotypes can also affect how men and women taste the food, too. To arrive at this conclusion, Zhu and his team conducted three experiments, the first of which they asked 93 adults to select the foods they thought were more “masculine” and “feminine." The list of foods included the baked and fried version of potatoes (fries and chips), chicken, and fish.
The results revealed that yes, there is “a significant tie to food and gender perception:” Participants were more likely to perceive healthier foods as more feminine and unhealthier foods, like fried chicken and regular chips, as more masculine. This could explain why major sporting events, which society thinks are more for men, show more ads for junk food.
In the second experiment, researchers packaged an Entemann’s mini blueberry muffin in masculine, feminine, and gender neutral ways. The masculine packaging had the word “mega” and football players on it; the feminine packaging had the word “healthy” and a ballerina; while the gender neutral packaging had nothing at all written or featured.
Despite the fact that each package contained the same exact muffin, participants reported their respective gender packaging was “more attractive” and tasted better than the muffin inside the gender-neutral packaging. Participants were also more likely to buy the masculine and feminine foods. But when researchers only explicitly offered gendered packaging in the third experiment — “The muffin for real men” — this effect wasn’t as significant.
“With packaging, we expect healthy eating to be associated with femininity,” Zhu said. “But what if healthy food is packaged in masculine packaging? That’s an expectation violation.” This is not unlike how organic food is packaged versus junk food, he added; organic health foods are literally greener, featuring plants and recycling symbols, while junk food is typically found in more “bold, crinkly packaging.”
Zhu concluded: “For marketers, there’s a pretty clear implication that you want to frame the product consistently with the cultural, primed gender stereotype."
Source: Zhu L, Brescoll VL, Newman GE, and Uhlmann EL. Macho nachos: The implicit effects of gendered food packaging on preferences for healthy and unhealthy foods. Social Psychology. 2015.