Taking a smoke first thing in the morning increases the chance of getting Lung, Head and Neck Cancer opposed to any other time in the day.

Two studies have found that smokers who take their first cigarette soon after waking up in the morning may have a higher risk than those who smokes later.

The centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 46 million adults in the US are current smokers, which accounts for 20.6 percent of all adults or 1 out of 5 people.

Published in Cancer the peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, researchers found that smokers with a high risk of developing cancer benefited the most from targeting smoking intervention to reduce the risk of cancer.

Joshua Muscat, PhD, of the Penn state College of medicine in Hershey, and his colleagues investigated nicotine dependence and frequency and duration of cigarette smoking to risk of lung.

Of the lung cancer analysis, there were a total of 4,775 lung cancer cases, which 2,835 people was the control group: all of whom smoked cigarettes regularly. Individuals who smoked from 31-60 minutes after waking up increased the chances of developing cancer by 1.31 percent, while people who smoked within 30 minutes of waking up are 1.76 times more likely to develop lung cancer.

"These smokers have higher levels of nicotine and possibly other tobacco toxins in their body, and they may be more addicted than smokers who refrain from smoking for a half hour or more," said Dr. Muscat. "It may be a combination of genetic and personal factors that cause a higher dependence to nicotine." said Dr. Muscat.

Muscat emphasized that smokers who smoked first thing in the morning are a higher at risk group. Smoking cessation programs and intervention could help reduce tobacco's negative health effects as well as cost associated with the use.