Horse Yoga: Combination Of Ancient Indian Practice And Horse Taming Will Blow Your Mind

Found in the traditions of both Hinduism and Buddhism, yoga practitioners combine physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines in pursuit of reaching an everlasting peace of mind. Combining this ancient practice with horse taming may seem unusual, but that’s exactly what the father and son team of Oscar and Cristobal Scarpati have done at the Doma India School in San Luis, Argentina. Welcome to the world of horse yoga.
According to the Doma India School’s website:
The method is to tame the horse according to its nature, avoiding cause fear and pain, and by earning their trust and loyalty. This method gives us clear ideas of how to treat the horse, and when and how to teach, what we want achieve. The horse learns by persuasion, and in us, knowing its nature, behavior and psychology to achieve persuade, and teach, endless exercises that will make that horse, a suitable animal to any discipline.
While this unusual adaptation of yoga may seem controversial and stressful for the horse’s well-being, instructors from the Doma School believe in the philosophy that non-violent horse taming can develop a strong bond between man and horse, The Huffington Post reported. People wishing to participate in horse yoga do not have to be strong or physically gifted. The Scarpatis say the only requirement is a love for horses and an innate ability to understand and communicate with their language.
"It is a pleasure to do this, to live this life is a dream, with the horses in the field with family and friends, the effort is large but well worth it, I can only be grateful and continue working for projects that support us every day,” Cristobal explains on Doma’s website.