Hypnosis Weight Loss Programs Can Help You Think Thin; Tips For At-Home Self-Hypnosis

Imagine a slimmer, healthier you that kicks unhealthy food cravings to the curb and fights her way past all the bad carbohydrates, starches, and trans fats. Wishful shrinking? Or a diet fad? Hypnosis weight loss programs can help a person lose weight when they are under hypnosis — a state of inner absorption and concentration — where a person is highly focused and more responsive to ideas about behavioral changes, in their eating habits for instance, says Mayo Clinic. With more than one-third of adults in the United States classified as obese, this diet fad provides a natural and quick-and-easy way for many weight loss hopefuls to shed the pounds.
Approximately $33 billion is spent on weight loss products in the U.S. by 45 million Americans who diet each year, reports Boston Medical Center (BMC). The fight for a fit, trimmer body is never-ending as Americans go on the alkaline diet, the baby food diet, the French woman diet, or even the Clean Program to lose the weight for good. What makes the hypnosis weight loss diet different from any other diet? Most importantly, is it effective and how can you think your way thin without the pills, diuretics, and cleansers?
Nancy B. Irwin, PsyD, C.Ht., speaker and author, uses hypnosis to help people become aware, first and foremost, of why they overeat. "My premise is that there is positive intent behind every bit of human behavior," she said to Medical Daily. "No one ever does anything to deliberately be bad or wrong, or even evil...similarly, no one chooses to be obese." Based on Irwin's clinical experiences, she believes the positive intent behind overeating is:
1) Numbing emotional pain
2) Thwarting unwanted sexual advances
3) To literally stand out/be seen.
Hypnosis weight loss programs are seen as a means to provide a healthy way to address these needs without damaging the body. In a study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, researchers from the University of Connecticut (UConn) did a meta-analysis of the effect of adding hypnosis to cognitive-behavioral treatments for weight reduction. Additional data was obtained from two studies previously done where UConn researchers corrected the data for computational inaccuracies. The average weight loss of post treatment and follow-up assessment periods from all the studies was 6 lbs. without hypnosis and approximately 12 lbs. with hypnosis — double the weight loss. This study shows that hypnosis in addition to behavioral programs is effective in reinforcing a person's weight loss. This diet fad can be a psychological reinforcement for dieters to adapt positive eating habits and patterns for long-term results.
Dieters who participate in a hypnosis weight loss program are "reprogrammed" by hypnotherapists to follow proper nutritional habits so they can commit to an "appropriate exercise regime, and most importantly to manage their thoughts, which are self-hypnotic suggestions 24/7," said Irwin. Healthy eating and an exercise plan is supported by hypnosis — no magic pill included. The combination of hypnosis with coaching increases the effective of the diet fad, said fitness trainer and author of Mind Your Own Fitness Bob Choat to Medical Daily. "What I've discovered regarding weight loss is that simply using hypnosis alone is not enough."
"Immediate action after a hypnosis session is important. Also, special suggestions, such as eating healthy veggies or increasing walking is part of the solution," he added.
Bottom line — does a hypnosis weight loss diet work? Yes, with proper diet and exercise.
Hypnosis Weight Loss Program
In order for hypnosis to work effectively, a weekly consultation with a hypnotist for eight weeks or more is required, in addition to self-hypnosis, says Vanderbilt University Department of Psychology in Nashville, Tenn. It is a time intensive program that will require a considerable amount of effort and should be tailored to each individual.
The average cost of hypnosis per session is between $110 to $150 but the cost often varies between hypnotherapists, says Hypochix.net.
At-Home Self-Hypnosis Tips
If you want to try this diet fad without breaking the bank, you can with these at-home self-hypnosis tips to help you think thin. Self-hypnosis, similar to regular hypnosis, involves the use of books, videos, or audio recordings and the use of your own voice to form a close connection between your body and mind for a specific reason. Below you will find some helpful tips from Your Holistic Healthcare and Medical Daily to help you reach your goal.
1. Find a quiet place to practice self-hypnosis to minimize the amount of distractions for a minimum of five to 30 minutes.
2. Relaxation is essential in order to achieve an effective self-hypnosis.
3. If the body is tense, try to imagine the tension escaping your body starting with the head, the shoulders, arms, legs, and feet.
4. Inhale and exhale deeply to release any negative energy in the body and mind.
5. Picture what the intended goal is and imagine overcoming it slowly as your voice will be your guide.
6. Repeat the statement to reaffirm your confidence in accomplishing your goal.
7. Self-affirmation will allow you to get to the mountain top of your goal.
8. Slowly locate your body and mind back to reality and open your eyes.