J.J. Watt Gives Leukemia Patient Cristian Beasley A Day He Will Never Forget [VIDEO]

Since being diagnosed with leukemia, 12-year old Cristian Beasley best days have been Sundays during football season — when he gets to watch his favorite player J.J. Watt and the Houston Texans play.
Sadly, Christian's condition has gotten so bad that he is one of 34 kids using VGo telepresence system which allows students with debilitating illnesses to attend school from home using robotic assistance. Cristian could only think of one name for his particular robot, "Watt."
Little did he know, the real number 99 would learn about his life-threatening condition and realize immediately what he had to do. This week, while attending school from his bedroom in Splendora, an unsuspecting Cristian heard a faint voice from over his shoulder ask, "What are you working on?"
When the 6th grader turned around to see who it was every word and thought in his head went right out the window. When he finally picked his head up the only words he could muster were "Oh my God."
The physically towering guest said, "What's up buddy, I'm J.J., nice to meet you."
The next two hours were ones Cristian will never forget, reported local news channel Houston KHOU. He and J.J. combined for some touchdown passes in his backyard, posed as tough guys in pictures, and the NFL leader in sack totals even brought shoes, gloves and other Texans apparel with his signature and a little reminder to "stay strong."
Cristian isn't the only one who got to have a little fun. J.J. took over the controls of "Watt" and went on a little joyride around Greenleaf Elementary School. He eventually made his way over to Cristian's school to surprise some more fans. All in a day's work.
Cristian's mother said J.J.'s visit could not have not have been more perfect seeing as he goes in for another round of chemotherapy treatments on Monday. To ensure Cristian "stays strong" on the daunting road ahead of him, his favorite athlete gave him eye black football patches that would make him look tough.
On top of that, he's always got J.J.'s 6'5 295 pound frame in his corner.