Jon Basso, Founder Of Heart Attack Grill, Dons White Doctor’s Coat To Tell You His Restaurant’s Food ‘Will Kill You’ [VIDEO]

Heart Attack Grill founder, Jon Basso, says that his food will kill you.
"I am probably the only restaurateur in the entire world who is unapologetically telling you that my food is bad for you, that it will kill you and that you should stay away from it," Basso said.
In a bizarre interview for Bloomberg TV, Basso explains that unlike other fast-food restaurants, he’s being upfront about the fact that his food is unhealthy. He contrasts this with restaurants like Burger King, who tout healthier food options like lower-calorie “Satisfries,” but are still extremely bad for your health.
Basso made headlines earlier this year when an unofficial spokesman for his restaurant died of a heart attack. Fifty-four-year-old John Alleman, affectionately known as “Patient John” at the Heart Attack Grill, became the face of the restaurant because he loved the food so much.
"I told him if you keep eating like this, it's going to kill ya," Basso told the Las Vegas Sun. "He'd say, 'I just love your place, Jon.' He's the only person I know who was probably at the restaurant more than I."
In this new interview, Basso says that he eats at his restaurant in moderation. He also goes so far as to tell people not to eat at his restaurant and says he’ll be happy on the day that he has absolutely no customers walking through the door.
"Do I want others to die at my restaurant? No,” said Basso. “Actually I want to wake up one morning and open the door and have no one ever come in again, because maybe the world would have learned the truth. I can always go find another industry.”
To view the full Bloomberg TV interview, click here.
View a report about the Heart Attack Grill below: