Lance Armstrong To Compete In First Bike Race Since Doping Scandal, Says Decision 'Is Not A Statement'

Lance Armstrong will compete in his first organized bicycle race since admitting to talk show host Oprah Winfrey at the beginning of this year that he had used performance-enhancing drugs in his pursuit of seven consecutive Tour de France wins between 1999 and 2005.
Armstrong, along with employees of Mellow Johnny's bicycle shop, the store he owns in Austin, will ride for at least "three or four days" in the 41st annual Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) later this month.
"I'm well aware my presence is not an easy topic, and so I encourage people if they want to give a high five, great, if you want to shoot me the bird, that's OK, too," Armstrong told the Des Moines Register. "I'm a big boy, and so I made the bed, I get to sleep in it."
This will be the cancer survivor's fifth time competing in RAGBRAI since 2006, one year after his infamous retirement from professional cycling. The event is scheduled to kickoff July 21st and end on July 27th.
"To be honest it's not a statement, it's not an experiment. It's just me wanting to go ride my bike with what in the past has been a friendly group of people that share the same interests."
According to RAGBRAI's website, only 8,500 week-long riders and 1,500 day riders are permitted via application. The RAGBRAI Expo, a bicycle trade show scheduled for the day before the race starts, will be held Saturday July 20.
"They have a great time here, and they want to return. We are open to anyone that wants to come ride RAGBRAI," race director T.J. Juskiewicz said about Armstrong's participation. "Who knows, we might get TMZ covering RAGBRAI this year."