Larry Swilling, Man With 'Need Kidney 4 Wife' Sign, Finally Gets An Answer 1 Year Later

Larry Swilling walked up and down the streets of South Carolina for one reason — to find his wife Jimmie Sue the kidney donor that she desperately needed. Nearly a year after he started making his rounds with a sign that read “Need Kidney 4 Wife,” Swilling and Sue's wishes have come true.
The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has informed the couple that a viable donor has been located. Pending a final round of tests scheduled for next week in Charleston, Sue could receive her new kidney on Sept. 12.
Sue, who was born with one kidney that has started to fail in recent years, knew that her husband of over 55 years would come through for her. "I knew it was going to happen because I know him," Sue told FOX Carolina. "He wouldn't have stopped until he got me one."
Swilling and his three children were willing to offer their own kidneys; however, their blood types were not a match with Sue’s. In fact, the family received multiple calls from people in countries as far as Egypt, but none with the matching blood type. "I've had calls from miles around. I've had calls from Egypt, Sweden, all over," Swilling told the NY Daily News.
According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, over 119,000 candidates are currently on the transplant waiting list. “Finding a match is a huge, huge process," Sara Parker, exchange coordinator for living donors and a nurse at MUSC's transplant center, told FOX News.
"There’s so many different components and several things can rule you out along the way. We have some donors who have a history of high blood pressure or diabetes and that rules them out.”