Lawsuit Claims Man Who Snuck Into NYC Jail, Matthew Matagrano, Caused Inmate ‘Psychological Damage’

Convicted sex offender Matthew Matagrano flashed a fake badge and posed as an “undercover gang intelligence corrections officer” in order to gain access to New York City-area jails where he allegedly molested at least three inmates. One inmate, Kareem Kilpatrick, has now filed suit against New York City’s Dept. of Corrections alleging that he sustained “psychological damage and humiliation” at the hands of Matagrano.
According to The Village Voice, Mantagrano gained an all-access pass to New York City prisons by somehow slipping through the “robust security operation.” The 37-year-old high risk sex offender had previously been convicted of sodomy, first-degree sex abuse, burglary and criminal impersonation.
"He was able to go to the main security trailer on several different days, show his ID, and drive his car across the bridge," a Corrections Dept. source told the Voice. "He could have brought an arsenal onto the island. Anything could have been in the trunk of his car."
Now Kilpatrick, who was serving time for weapons and drugs charges, is seeking damages for an incident at Manhattan Detention Complex in February that he says left him with both physical and emotional injuries. In his suit, Kilpatrick says that Montagrano frisked him in a day room on February 27 and threatened to hurt him if he resisted sexual molestation.
"Mr. Matagrano sexually fondled plaintiff and threatened plaintiff with the use of force," says the suit.
After the incident, Kilpatrick "[submitted] himself to medical/psychological care and attention to alleviate his injuries and his post-traumatic stress syndrome." Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that usually results from someone experiencing a terrifying event. Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety. The symptoms can last for a short time after the terrifying event takes place or for months and years of one’s life.
Citing PTSD, Kilpatrick is seeking damages from New York City’s Dept. of Corrections for negligence and constitutional violations.
As for Matagrano, he pleaded guilty to burglary and burglary as a sexually-motivated felony. In August, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his crime.