Liberace Asked Lover To Get Plastic Surgery To Look More Like Him, HBO Film Reveals

HBO's Behind the Candelabra is a behind-the-scenes look at the flamboyant and extravagant life of the world-famous singer and pianist, Liberace.
Born Władziu Valentino Liberace in 1919, Liberace was a colorful character, both in the public eye and in his personal life, until his death related to AIDS in 1987. At the height of his career, which spanned from the 1950s to the 1970s, he was the highest paid entertainer in the world.
The film, starring Michael Douglas as Liberace, is set to air at 9 p.m. on Sunday and is based on a book by the singer's former lover Scott Thorson, played by Matt Damon. The most bizarre scenes of the movie depict Liberace's fascination with plastic surgery.
Yahoo! reports that Liberace asked prominent Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Jack Startz, to perform plastic surgery after seeing himself on an episode of The Tonight Show. The doctor recommended a facelift, eye lift, silicone injections, and a post-operative face peel.
After undergoing the series of procedures, Liberace's face was so tight that he was unable to fully close his eyes, even while sleeping. His lover documented the change in his book.
"He couldn't close his lids completely. They remained slitted open even when he struggled to keep them shut. At night, when he slept, his eyes would open slowly, and that's the way they would stay ... it was odd to wake up at night and see him in bed beside me sleeping soundly ... odd and a little frightening," Thorson recounts.
But that was not the end of the entertainer's plastic surgery fascination. In a scene that will surely astound viewers, the then 40-year-old Liberace brings a painting of himself in his youth from his home and shows it to the plastic surgeon. Liberace then asks if Startz will perform a surgery to make his 20-year-old lover resemble Liberace in the painting.
One of the things Liberace never stopped longing for was a family of his own. He never had children and sometimes saw Thorson as the son he never had. According to Thorson's 2002 interview with Larry King, Liberace wanted Thorson to resemble him because Liberace was considering adopting Thorson as a son.
"He wanted me as his son, but at the same time, he wanted me as his lover," Thorson said.
Thorson, too, underwent surgery. Although he said that he had his chin implant removed, his resemblance to Liberace becomes more uncanny as he ages. Thorson is currently in jail in Reno, Nev. for burglary and identity theft. He is also battling cancer.