Most people who are dieting are aware that they experience a yo-yo dieting. It is a cycle of losing and gaining weight and some don’t know how to stop it. If only you know the easiest ways to lose weight, you do not have to suffer the yo-yo effect.

Tip 1: Learn how to find the calorie that you need

The Basal Metabolic Rate is what you need to compute your calorie intake in a day. This is very useful when you want to limit your calorie intake in a day in order to lose weight. Here is the formula that you need:

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

BMR [kcal]

Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)

If you want to lose weight, then you must have a BMR that is -500 kcal. Say, for example you are weighing 140 pounds and you undergo a moderate daily activity in 20 minutes a day. The BMR computation should be:

BMR = (140 x 15) + (20 x 3.5) = 2100 + 70 = 2170 kcal

You need to subtract 500 kcal from the result, so that would be 1670 kcal, in order to lose a pound in one week.

Tip 2: Five servings of fruits and vegetables a day should be consumed

The most important foods especially when you want more fibers for your body are fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of vitamins and antioxidants. If you consume at least five servings of these, your stomach will fill up faster, thus you eat lesser.

Tip 3: Portion Sized Meal should be in the watch list

If you consume one serving of pasta, it is actually equal to half a cup of cooked pasta. However, you should be aware that in most restaurants, more than 4 servings of pasta are given in a plate. Of course you do not want to eat all these up as there are certainly a lot of excess calorie from that plate of pasta alone.

Tip 4: Skipping meals is a no-no

It is very helpful to eat small frequent meals to help you balance out your calorie intake during the day. In addition, it also helps in keeping the blood sugar level balanced. So instead of eating 3 big meals, you can break these meals into 5 to 6 smaller meals for the entire day/

Tip 5: Wholesome fresh foods should be your choice

Always go for fresh foods instead of processed ones although they are more convenient. Convenient foods are mostly sodium and fat-filled. This means they are full of calories and unwanted fat for the body.

Tip 6: Being overly restrictive is not good for you

When you are craving for your favorite food, do not go for self deprivation. It is never wrong to allow yourself a little indulgence once in a while. But keep in mind that you still have to watch for the quantity and frequency of your food indulgence or else you would not lose but gain weight.

Tip 7: Read and understand food claims and labels

Always read the label and you will learn that not all products with fat-free labels are low in calories. Not because the label says that the product is sugar-free or low-carb does not mean it is also low in calories and fat.

Tip 8: Too much of sugary drinks are not good

Sugary drinks such as sodas, juices and cream and sugar in the coffee is totally very yummy. But these will just add too much sugar and calories into your body. Choose drinking at least eight glasses of water a day for hydration purposes.

Tip 9: Have a food journal to track your meals

A food journal is highly essential in pinpointing your eating pattern. This will also enable you to modify your meals. You can also have a registered dietician review your food journal.

Tip 10: Always find time for an exercise

30 to 60 minutes of physical activity in a day is what you need to help you become healthier than ever. You can also carry some weights at least twice a week to burn more calories.