Man with 100-Pound Scrotum that Made Him Feel like a "Freak" Says 'No' to Free Surgery Offer

A Las Vegas man who has a 100 pound scrotum because of a rare condition that made him feel like a "freak" has turned down an offer for free $1 million corrective surgery to treat his scrotal lymphedema.
Wesley Warren Jr. reportedly declined an opportunity to have the "Dr. Oz Show" pay for the medical expenses for the surgery because he would have had to give up the rights to his story, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The 47-year-old became famous after his gigantic scrotum was featured on the Howard Stern Show and the Comedy Central program Tosh.0, and according to the newspaper, Warren's new-found fame may have gone to his head as he appears to be enjoying his local celebrity status.
"I'll make a decision when I'm ready," Warren told the paper.
Firecracker Films, the company that produced 'Big Fat Gypsy Weddings' has already signed a contract to make a documentary about him.
Warren weighs 400 pounds, with his scrotum accounting for a quarter of his weight. His condition, which causes his scrotum to swell with watery fluid, makes it hard for him to urinate because his penis is buried so deeply in his abnormal growth and impossible to for him to have a normal sex life.
When Warren was interviewed in October he became emotional as he described the pain and humiliation of carrying the deformed genitals.
He told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he suffered frequent depression and health complications, and that he must wear a hooded sweatshirt on his legs when he's out in public to contain his scrotum.
Warren had told the paper last year that the only thing he wanted was to urinate like a normal man and have a romantic relationship with a woman.
He had also said that he was going public so that he could raise money to afford an operation.
"I don't like being a freak, who would?" he told the Review-Journal.
However, six months after his story gained worldwide media attention the reporter noticed a stark contrast in Warren's behavior compared to that last time he was interviewed.
"The Wesley Warren of today does not act like the somber Wesley Warren I interviewed last fall," Paul Harasim of the paper wrote. "Rather than on the edge of tears, he's seemingly enjoying his celebrity. He reminds you he'll soon appear on The Learning Channel and that Fire Cracker Films of Great Britain signed him to a contract for a documentary."
However, Warren denies that he wants the celebrity spotlight more than his corrective surgery.
"Who would want to live like this?" Warren Jr. said. "I just don't want to die during the operation."