Man Snaps His Penis and Becomes Sterile After Taking Male-Enhancement Pills, Lawsuit Claims

A Texas man claims that a sexual enhancement supplement caused his penis to become so stiff that it fractured during intercourse.
Adrian Carter, 29, is suing the makers of VirilisPro, a male-enhancement supplement that costs $59.99 a bottle, because he said that the pill has made him unable to have sex and sterile, according to a lawsuit.
Carters said in the complaint that he experienced "significant pain and observed a large quantity of blood squirting out of his penis onto the sheets, walls and mirror" last year at a Houston motel, ABC reported.
Afterwards, he was rushed to the emergency room, and doctors had to "deglove" or remove the skin from his penis to repair his urethra because it had "separated completely," according to the lawsuit.
After his surgery, the once happy and healthy twenty-something had to urinate using a catheter and was warned by his doctor that he may never have an erection again or father children, according to Courthouse News Service.
"It was pretty horrific to view the pictures," Carter's lawyer, Melissa Moore, told ABC. "I know it sounds unusual. He was young and healthy and on no other meds at the time he took the supplement."
The suit filed Aug.27 blames the maker of VirilisPro, the "all natural" supplement that promises to boost sexual performance by increasing "penile hardness" for a more intense orgasm that Carter took before meeting his "paramour".
The supplement also promises to increase well-being, stamina and lower recovery time and can last up to three days, according to VirilisPro's website.
The suit filed Monday in Harris County Court claims that the pill is "defective and unreasonably dangerous for use by consumers."
The manufacturer said that the poll is made "with only natural ingredients to prevent harmful side effects," and includes ingredients like epimedium, panax ginseng and Lycium Chinese.
Carter wants the drug manufacturer Haute Health Limited Liability Company, Carney & Carney Financial Services, individuals Michael Heilig and Michael and Tyra Carney, and Solid Rock Worship Company, to pay medical expenses, punitive damages, breach of warranty, deceptive trade, mental anguish, pain and suffering and the 'past and future loss of consortium'.
None of the defendants, including New Jersey-based drug maker Haute Health LLC, could be reached for comment.
However, expert urologists say that while penile fractures, also called "eggplant penis", are fairly common, it is very unlikely that the pill could have caused Carter's penis fracture because penile fractures are usually caused by traumatic or rough sexual intercourse.
"I never heard of anyone being put at a higher risk for fracture because of a prescription or an herbal drug," Dr. Jeff Carney, chief of urology at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, told ABC. "With a fracture, you typically get swelling and the penis looks like an eggplant -- purple and swollen. But blood coming out on the walls, that sounds really dramatic."
"The typical story is that someone is having intercourse and, in the course of an erection, they miss an opening and hit a pelvic bone in their partner," he added. "In the classic case, you hear a 'pop' and feel something immediately."
Carney also said that degloving would never be done in an emergency room, but my a specialized surgeon, and he said that it Carter may have made up the part where blood from his penis squirted on to the wall.
"When a man breaks his penis it can be very scary," said Carney. "I believe he took this story and spiced it up."