Many Children Outgrow Egg Allergy

According to new studies, more than half of all children allergic to eggs are tolerant to baked hen's eggs (56 percent) and many (about 55 percent) outgrow the allergy entirely.
The studies were presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology in Anaheim, California.
"More than half of egg allergic children can tolerate hen's eggs when they are baked at 350 degrees in products such as cakes and breads. Dietary introduction of baked egg by an allergist can broaden a child's diet, improve quality of life and likely accelerate the development of an egg tolerance," said the lead author of the study Rushani Saltzman, M.D., an allergist and ACAAI member.
Another study presented at the meeting said that out of the five most common allergies, children were more likely to outgrow egg allergy.
"Food tolerance was observed in one in four children, with 55 percent outgrowing their egg allergy by age seven. Developing an egg tolerance is the most common for children, followed by milk. A small proportion outgrew shellfish and tree nut allergies," said Ruchi Gupta, M.D., lead study author and pediatrician.
Experts say that introducing a food that has been known to cause an allergic reaction in the child might lead to severe problems and must be done under the care of a physician.
"While these studies show many positive findings for children with egg allergy, parents must practice caution. Introducing an allergen back into a child's diet can have severe consequences, and only should be done under the care of a board-certified allergist," said allergist Richard Weber, M.D., ACAAI president-elect.
Recently, a study had found that giving small amounts of egg powder to children who have egg allergy everyday could pave way to letting them eat foods containing eggs safely.
Egg allergy can cause many symptoms that range from mild to severe and can include skin rashes, hives, nasal inflammation, and vomiting or other digestive problems. Rarely, egg allergy can cause anaphylaxis - a life-threatening reaction, according to Mayo Clinic.
Egg allergies affect 0.2 percent of all Americans. Most people outgrow egg allergy by the age 16, according to Allergist. About 600,000 people living in the U.S. have egg allergy.