Men And Women Most Likely To Disagree On Whether Porn Is Morally Acceptable

It’s not having sex in the morning versus at night, or anything having to do with foreplay. No, the main thing that men and women disagree on when it comes to sex is porn.
A new Gallup poll examined how men and women differ on what they view as morally acceptable — from sex before marriage to polygamy. It turns out that the biggest space lies between how men and women view porn. While 43 percent of men see it as morally acceptable, only 25 percent of women do.
While that gap has remained fairly consistent in the past several years (the number of men who think porn is acceptable is about twice the amount of women), it doesn’t mean women don’t watch porn. In fact, plenty of women do, but the type of things they search for in porn may surprise you.
The Gallup poll also found that 12 percent of men believe having an affair while married was acceptable, while only five percent of women thought so. When it comes to polygamy, 20 percent of men thought it was okay, while only 13 percent of women thought so. Interestingly, women were more likely to find gay/lesbian relations morally acceptable (66 percent) than men (59 percent). The same goes for divorce, where up to 75 percent of women said it was morally acceptable, compared to 67 percent of men.
The study was conducted by gathering information from telephone interviews held from May 6-10, 2015. The researchers surveyed some 1,024 people across all 50 states.
“Perhaps not surprisingly, men and women have different views on the moral acceptability of certain issues related to sex and relationships,” the Gallup press release states. “Men are more likely to accept behaviors such as pornography or affairs. This year, women are more accepting of divorce or having a child without being married. Nonetheless, the differences between men and women are mostly a matter of degree rather than of kind… Though variations exist, for most men and women, the boundaries of what is morally acceptable behaviors in terms of behavior in the sometimes sensitive realm of sex and relationships are mostly the same for men and women.”