Men With Learning Disabilities And Testicular Cancer Four Times More Likely To Die Of The Disease

Men with learning difficulties are four times more likely to die of testicular cancer than the general population, according to research presented at the European Association of Urology conference in London.
The researchers found that men with a learning difficulty and testicular cancer have a 1 in 10 chance of dying from the disease, compared to a 1 in 36 chance in the general UK population, according to a statement on ScienceDaily. The study authors suspect that those with learning disabilities are more likely to die from other types of cancers too and are currently processing data on prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer.
Read: Symptoms Of Testicular Cancer: Sperm, Pain, Lumps And Other Signs Of The Disease
“We propose that there might be several reasons which cause this disparity in survival, perhaps including the possibility that men with learning difficulties are not so good at self-examination, going to the doctor, and then following through with any treatment,” said lead study author Mehran Afshar. “It could also be that because consent is more difficult to obtain from these patients it affects the treatment they receive.”
Researchers at the University of Birmingham analyzed medical records from over 158,000 males with learning difficulties. From 2001 to 2015, they found 331 of those men had testicular cancer, and 32 died of cancer. In the general UK population, 25,675 had testicular cancer with 713 deaths.
This is the first study to look at the relationship between cancer deaths and learning disabilities, ScienceDaily reports. This research provides important information about a vulnerable group of people.
In the United States, testicular cancer is the most common cancer among males between the ages of 15 of 35; however, it can occur at any age. Fortunately, it's highly treatable, even when the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, according to Mayo Clinic.
See also: Penis vs. Testicles: Cancer Symptoms In The Male Reproductive System
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