Mississippi Man Thought To Be Obese Has 140lb Folliculoma Tumor Removed, After Ingrown Hair Became Infected
A 57-year-old man, who for years been unable to walk due to his excess weight, had a 140lb tumor removed from his stomach this past Tuesday. The diagnosis was a shock for not only Mississippi native Roger Logan and his family, but to the numerous doctors who had previously mistakenly labelled him “obese.”
The tumor was attached to Logan’s stomach and was so large it touched the floor, Bakersfield.com reported. According to Logan, it felt similar to carrying around bags of cement all day and kept him largely confined to his bed.
Read: Cutting Off A Tumor's Food Supply May Stop Its Growth
“I used to equate it, you just put a strap around your neck and carry three bags of cement around with you all day long, just swinging,” said Logan, Fox 13, Memphis reported.
The tumor was finally correctly diagnosed by Dr. Vipul Dev, based in California. According to Dev, the tumor likely started as an ingrown hair that became infected and was left to grow over time.
Eventually the tumor became so large that it required its own blood supply, Bakersfield.com reported. Folliculoma, or tumors caused by ingrown hairs, are rare benign growths that occur in hair follicles. According to HealthHype, these tumors typically form on the face or scalp, although in Logan’s case the tumor occurred on his stomach. They usually cause no health complications and cause no pain or itching, but can cause distress due to their appearance.
Treatment usually involves cutting off the growth, however, Logan’s had become so large that its removal was a serious health risk. The surgery to remove the massive tumor was incredibly risky, with the surgeons estimating that Logan had only about a 50/50 chance of surviving the ordeal.
Logan not only survived the surgery, but is also currently healing well in the hospital. He was even able to walk on Thursday, something he has not been able to do for years. Although not yet fit enough to return to his home in Mississippi, Logan is looking forward to enjoying his new tumor-free life.
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