More Than 80 Percent Centenarians in US Are Women

Women make up to 80 percent of the nearly 53,000 people in the U.S. who are over hundred years old, says a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau.
According to the latest data, for every 10,000 people living in the U.S., there are 1.73 people aged 100 years or above. These people are more likely to be female, white and living in urban areas.
"For every 100 centenarian females, there were only 20.7 centenarian males," Census researchers said, reports Reuters Health.
California, with 5,921 people aged above 100 has the most number of centenarians in the U.S., followed by New York with 4,605 and Florida with 4,090. The report says that northeast and upper Midwestern states have greater proportion of old people. Experts say that this is probably because many young people from these states have moved out, that has in turn increased the proportion of old people in these regions.
"There's been tremendous out-migration of the young population. It's about how many other people are there - who's moving in, who's moving out, US News reported," Linda Waite, director of the University of Chicago's Center on Aging, US News reported.
About 82 percent of the centenarian population is white. This is probably because the minority group is more diverse and young.
"They just haven't been here long enough to have gotten that old," said Waite, US News reported.
U.S. proportion, 1.73 centenarians per 10,000 people, is lower than the proportion other developed countries like Sweden (1.92 per 10,000), the United Kingdom (1.95 per 10,000), and 3.43 per 10,000 in Japan, says the report.
Living for 100 years or more may come with certain disadvantages like higher healthcare and retirement costs, according to Reuters Health.