Actress Lindsay Lohan, 25, arrived late to her appointment to clean a Los Angeles morgue on Thursday, apparently challenging authorities who revoked her probation just yesterday.

Lohan arrived 20 minutes late Thursday for cleaning duty at the L.A. County Dept. of Coroner, Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter told media.

Lohan's delay was due to "a combination of not knowing what entrance to go through and confusion caused by the media waiting for her arrival," her
representative Steve Honig told media told People magazine.

However, Winter denied Lohan got lost because, he said, she had been to the morgue before.

Morgue officials turned her away without credit because of the delay. The actress is scheduled to come back tomorrow, according to her representative.

Yesterday, a judge denied her probation for missing too many community service appointments and was handcuffed. Later she was released after posting $100,000 in bail.