The trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, accused along with others of killing hundreds of protesters in early 2011 demonstrations that drove him from power, has been delayed once again, pending a decision to replace a panel accused of impeding access to a key witness.

The trial was due to resume on Sunday.

Mubarak, his two sons, a former Interior minister and six security officials have been with charges that include corruption. Mubarak has been held in custody in a hospital in Sharm el Sheik since he complained of chest pains during an interrogation. Mubarak has not been jailed due to his weak condition, according to officials.

Lawyers representing families of those killed in an uprising against Mubarak’s rule have asked that the current panel headed by Judge Ahmed Refaat be changed, according to Reuters.

The families have complained that the panel failed to give adequate time to question Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, commander-in-chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Tantawi currently leads the army council heading the Egyptian government.

A lawyer for the families, Hassan Abul Enen, told Reuters the case was suspended until a decision was reached on Refaat.

Last week, a Cairo Appeals Court postponed a decision on the request to replace the judges until December 26.