Netflix Study Categorizes Personality Types Of Spoilers And Reveals What We Already Know: Most Are Power-Hungry Show-Offs

No one likes it when someone tells the plot twist of a movie or television show before we’ve watched it, but sadly a recent study from Netflix revealed that 76 percent of Americans have come to accept spoilers as “just another part of life.” Netflix actually hired a cultural anthropologist (yes, you read that right) to find out what drives people to spoil shows for others and who found that, like most other unpleasant parts of life, the thirst for power was the main propellent.
To be fair, most people are probably guilty of spoiling a television show or movie for others at one point in their lives, but shedding the label of spoiler is often hard to do. At the age of 12, a friend of mine walked in on his family just beginning to watch The Sixth Sense, proceeded to tell everyone that Bruce Willis’ character was actually dead, and subsequently left the room. Now 25 years old and with two kids of his own, he still hasn’t been able to shake his “spoiler status.” While this tale is probably all too familiar, according Grant McCracken, the cultural anthropologist hired by Netflix, not all spoilers are alike.
There are actually five scientific classifications of the spoiler, which includes: The Shameless, Power, Coded, Impulsive, and of course, Clueless Spoiler. Although, from personal experience, I’m not too convinced that all “clueless spoilers” are as innocent as we’re led to believe. Your spoiler subcategory can also give a bit of insight into your overall personality. As McCracken explained, “To know about a show that you don’t know about is to have power. I live in the future that you are about to occupy.” For example, Power Spoilers tend to thrive on feeling powerful in most social settings, while the Coded Spoiler is more understanding and compassionate with his spoil dealings.
Now if you’re guilty of giving away more than a few plot twists in your lifetime, don’t worry; being power-hungry isn’t necessarily a “bad thing.” explained that, in general, those who seek power over others do so because they actually seek safety or have a need to prove their high social value. Once this power or success is “obtained,” most will go back to their normal grounded self. The New York Times gave examples of typical Power Spoilers as an employee who spoils a plot twist for a boss and a daughter who spoils a drama for her mother.
One’s personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feelings, and behavior. Personalities are never clear-cut, and while the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types are some of the most widely known, most people have aspects from multiple personality types.
On a separate but equally interesting point, Netflix’s study also went on to reveal that while the world has become greatly immune to the concept of spoilers, only four percent of the population say “it’s OK to spoil the plot.” Something tells me that this four percent comprises the ones doing most of the spoiling for the rest of the 96 percent of us.