Neurosurgeon Ben Carson Claims IRS Unfairly Targeted Him After He Spoke Out Against Obamacare [VIDEO]

Dr. Ben Carson says that after making anti-Obama comments at a prayer breakfast in February, he was unfairly targeted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), who asked for his tax returns from recent years. Prior to speaking out against President Obama, he had no run-ins with the IRS.
“Carson is a retired neurosurgeon who made history by becoming the first doctor to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the back of the head. He gained national notoriety in political circles earlier this year for his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, during which we calmly excoriated progressive taxation and the government’s emerging role in healthcare with President Obama sitting only a few feet away," Yellow Hammer News reports.
The IRS admitted to illegally targeting conservative groups with audits and excessive scrutiny in May. Two key IRS officials resigned after news of the targeting went public.
In the case of Dr. Carson, IRS agents contacted him in June asking to look at his real estate holdings. Then, when they were unable to find anything suspicious, they asked to review more of his his financial records. Carson claims that this was surprising to him because he had never had any problems with the IRS before his negative comments about the Affordable Care Act earlier this year.
“I guess it could be a coincidence, but I never had been audited before and never really had any encounters with the IRS,” Carson said in an interview. “But it certainly would make one suspicious because we know now the IRS has been used for political purposes and therefore actions like this come under suspicion.”
Watch Carson’s interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly below: