New Jersey Map Depicting Stereotypes goes Viral [MAP]

A map of New Jersey depicting the stereotypes in the state has gone viral on the web and has readers both, cheering it and hating it.
The map was created by Joe Steinfield, a 22-year-old graduate from Rutgers, reports the New Jersey Star Ledger. He first shared it on Reddit and got almost one million views in just one day. It also became very popular on Facebook and Twitter.
It depicts for instance, Atlantic City as a "Sad Black People and Misguided Tourists" area. It also calls the southern border of New Jersey as "Swamps and Toxic Waste."
The region across Manhattan in Jersey City is described as "Hipsters" while other areas are depicted as "Worse than Detroit," "Poor Minorities," and "Vast Wilderness of Rednecks and Retired Hippies," among others. See the entire map here.
Readers posted numerous comments on the Reddit service website.
"This is incredibly accurate. I live in the 'Old people and Asians' section. Well done," said a user with the name LunaMcLovin.
"My boyfriend lives in 'Pretty much Alabama' and I couldn't agree more," said another reader with the nickname Megantothemaxx.
However, some people criticized it, including the Mayor of Elizabeth City, Christian Bollwage.
"It’s unfortunate that somebody has enough spare time to do something that is just going to inflame some people and point to the worst possible side of things. I don’t find humor in it," Bollwage weighed in, according to the New Jersey Star Ledger.
But Steinfield issued a statement about the controversy.
"It was never meant to be taken seriously. I do regret that I offended a few people, however, for the most part, the feedback I've been getting is very positive," he said according to NBC 10.