Ninja Robbers Accused of Robbing Medical Marijuana Delivery Man

Police said on Monday that they are investigating reports of two men dressed as ninjas who allegedly robbed a medical marijuana delivery man.
The 40-year-old delivery man in California said that he was transporting the marijuana to a person’s home at about 9:40p.m. Friday when he was approached by the two men in ninja costumes carrying white batons.
The delivery man was heading to his car when dropped his bag containing money and marijuana, and then the two men he suspects were probably in their 20s grabbed it and fled the scene. He described them to be about 5-foot-8 inches with slender builds.
"Two guys jumped out of the bushes dressed like ninjas, waving batons," West Covina Police Lt. Alan Henley told Los Angeles Times. "It just sounds so unique and bizarre. We haven't had any similar incidents."
Henley said that there were no leads, and that the case was being referred to detectives.