About half of deaths in developing India, now occur because of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) said the United Nations today resulting in a UN summit - the second in its history later this month.

The increase is usually due to low-income states becoming richer, as disease as a result of cancer and diabetes is seen more in higher income countries.

Cancer, long considered the health threat of developed countries, is now as high as 21 pct worldwide, while this is expected to increase by 10% over the next few decades.

A UN General Assembly later this month will address the issue, ten years after it last met about the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

The impact of a global 'epidemic' of cancer might have far-reaching impact, added the Union for International Cancer Control, an advocate of the Summit.

"While non-communicable diseases have traditionally afflicted mostly high income populations, current evidence shows that the spread of such diseases...now outstrip communicable diseases in every region except Africa." the UN statement read.

"By 2030, non-communicable diseases are projected to cause nearly five times as many deaths as communicable diseases worldwide."

The full statement can be read - http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/66/83&Lang=E