NYC Designer Creates ‘Plan A’ Condom Cases For Women, Hoping To Challenge Negative Stereotypes About Protection

What would you do if a girl you were taking out on a date was carrying around a bunch of condoms in her purse?
Most men would balk at the thought, or at least that’s what Janice Chan, a New York City entrepreneur and designer, believes. It's usually the guys who carry around the condoms — not the women. This sort of mentality isn’t a positive outlook on safe sex, Chan argues. So the 28-year-old has come up with a new way for women to carry condoms fashionably, without having to worry about them falling out of their purse or pockets, or having to hide them out of fear of being judged.
Chan has developed the “Plan A Case” — a line of condom cases aimed at providing women a safe and cool-looking place to stash contraceptives without feeling self-conscious. The idea isn't entirely novel: Durex has been selling condom cases known as “Love Boxes” for quite some time, and other companies have also developed chic little holders. But Chan, who found that most condom cases were designed for men, wanted to take condom cases to the next level and make a political statement to boot.
“Here’s a product that addresses the fact that there are educated young women who like to meet people and sometimes hook up with them, but also like to have options and maintain control,” Chan told DNAinfo. “It says, ‘Many of us have a fear of having condoms fall out of our purses or pockets. Why should we feel this way?'”
The use of condoms is essential in preventing the spread of sexually-transmitted infections like HIV/AIDS or chlamydia. According to an older study, published in 2002, the ability of women in particular to “negotiate safer sexual practices” such as condom use “is a vital component” of preventing STDs. “Gender-based power imbalances may constrain women’s negotiation ability,” the authors of the study wrote.

The website describes Plan A Cases, LLC as a startup that aims “to provide fashionable products for sex-positive women while at the same time provoking important conversations about feminism, equality and related social and political issues.” Chan also started a Kickstarter page that has already met its $12,000 goal, along with an accompanying video which interviews men and their opinions on girls carrying condoms. Most of those who were interviewed said they’d either be weirded out, or wonder why a girl would carry condoms on her. Chan believes this kind of mentality is a problem preventing proper condom use.

Chan is also challenging the negative stigma surrounding condoms and the question of whether they should be hidden. She has developed a “clear” condom case that will allow the condoms to be visible, as though to begin breaking down this stigma. Otherwise, the cases she has made are tiny and don’t call much attention to the fact that they’re condom cases. Instead, they’re dainty, colorful little leather squares that can fit easily inside a pocket and can fit three condoms.