Obama Visits 'Between Two Ferns' With Zach Galifianakis To Encourage Young People To Enroll In Obamacare

President Barack Obama sat down on Tuesday with comedian Zach Galifianakis on his show, Between Two Ferns, where, among other things, they discussed the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.
Galifianakis’ started the show, which is known for off-color humor — he and his guests usually crack somewhat-offensive jokes at each other — talking about random events that have come to define Obama’s presidency. He is the first black president, and his candidacy and subsequent election was mired in controversy over his birth certificate. “I have to know, what is it like to be the last black president?” Galifianakis asked Obama.
“Seriously? What’s it like, for this to be the last time you ever talk to a president?” Obama shot back.
Halfway through the show, Galifianakis asks Obama about the websites he visits, at which point Obama admits the only reason he’s on the show is to plug HealthCare.gov, the flagship website of the Affordable Care Act. Despite initial glitches with the website, nearly four million people enrolled for health insurance through the law’s insurance marketplaces by the end of February. Although the enrollment rates are already behind the administration’s goal of seven million by the end of March, a much bigger problem presents itself in the low rates of young people enrolling.
You can hear Obama speak about the need for young people to enroll, and more, in Between Two Ferns below: