Officer Darren Wilson's Medical Exam Evidence Released
On Nov. 24, nearly four months after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a grand jury chose not to indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson. The night of the grand jury’s decision, the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney's office also released photos of Wilson as he underwent a medical exam in the hours following the shooting. Prior to release, the jury had been using the photographs as evidence. Wilson received minor bruising as a result of his confrontation with Brown.
The shooting and subsequent grand jury verdict have sparked countless riots in the small Missouri town. Waves of anger and outrage rolled across the country on Monday, after St. Louis county prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch relayed the jury’s decision — “no probable cause” to press any charges against Wilson — to all of America. Police cars were set on fire, the store Brown was last seen leaving, looted. They were, and continue to be, signs of a country unhappy with the current definition of justice.
Click “View Gallery” to see the photographs from Wilson’s medical exam.