Olympic Gymnastics Winner Dominique Dawes Workout Plan: Strength Training, Plus Key Moves

This week, team USA’s women’s gymnastics “Final Five” captured the hearts of the country with their cheery attitudes and gravity-defying moves. Although tiny in stature, the girls' strong and flexible bodies inspired awe and sent many of us running to our closest gym to renew our membership. However, you don’t have to belong to a gym in order to train like an Olympian. Lucky for you, 1994 Olympic Gold Medalist Dominique Dawes teamed up with the American Council on Exercise (ACE) to develop a gymnastics-based fitness plan that you can do from the comfort of your own living room.
Your “Running Start”/ Warm-Up
The warm-up is one of the most important parts of the exercise plan for not only a gymnast but any type of athlete. Cris Dobrosielski, spokesperson for the ACE and author of the book Going the Distance, told Medical Daily that warm-ups ready the body for what you are about to do.
“If you are not ready, you are risking injury,” explained Dobrosielski.
According to Dobrosielski, in addition to readying the body, warm-ups also help to bring awareness to “any injury or weak spot” and give you a “mind and body transition” into your workout.
Click Here for a more detailed description of Dawe’s warm-up plan.
Show Time: The Workout
This gymnastics-based workout is designed specifically to combine the strength training associated with gymnastics with key gymnastic movement patterns. Although there’s no guarantee that you’ll come out looking like Simone Biles (at least not right away), sticking to this plan will help you tone up and improve heart health.
"Gymnastics is a great combination of strength, balance and coordination. You get out of the training what you put in, which means you get to choose your own success," Dawes told the ACE.
In addition, Dobrosielski explained that the typical healthy adult should be getting anywhere between 20 and 60 minutes of exercise a day.
“Not exercising is like taking a depressant,” said Dobrosielski. “There are so many physiological benefits to exercise that affect your body and your emotional health that it really is the most powerful feel-good drug that is available to us.”
Click Here for a more detailed description of Dawe’s workout.
Stick the landing: The Cool-Down
While the cool-down may be often neglected, it does serve an important role in the exercise regime. According to Dobrosielski, in addition to getting your body back into its non-workout state, the cooldown plays an important role in the recovery process.
“You initiate the beginning of a proper recovery,” said Dobrosielski. “A cooldown helps you feel less beat up, and more comfortable and allows you to wake up the next day and feel more ambitious about doing it again.”
Click Here for a more detailed description of Dawe’s cool-down.
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