My baby boy is now 10 months old and when I was pregnant I took paracetamol for headaches and I was always told by my Doctor that this was safe. But Researchers are now advising pregnant women not to take painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibrofen as they are saying that this might set their unborn sons with fertility problems or complications. They say that the unmitigated use of the painkillers and general medicines could damage the maturity of masculinity organs in boys.

The findings say that women typically for headaches take the contradicted painkiller at some stage in the pregnancy, which may add to the risk of boys having scantily developed testicles, which can additionally lead to low sperm count and other severe hurdles.

The research states that on average, the women using different painkillers concurrently enhance the rate of hazard by seven times. As published by Europe’s distinguished reproductive drug journal “human reproduction” ,the use of two painkillers during the phase amid four months and six months increases the threat by sixteen times – you can see the actual research findings and press release here.

As stated by the connoisseur in their study the painkillers may be behind the increase in male reproductive anarchy, with the exposure in the wombs to chemicals, which are known as hormone diruptors.

Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said: “Scientists have been troubled for some time about chemicals that the mother may be exposed to during pregnancy having the potential to cause reproductive problems in male offspring.”However, there are comparatively few concrete examples and a great deal of the work to date has been conjectural. That makes these lessons somewhat disquieting as I doubt that anyone would have suspected that common painkillers would have these effects”.

Researchers from Denmark, Finland and France researched numerous pregnant women and their children and found those women who used more than one painkiller concurrently, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen showed that the testes had failed to move into the scrotum before birth.

Dr Henrik Leffers, senior scientist at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, who led the research, said: “If revelation to endocrine disruptors is the mechanism behind the escalating reproductive tribulations among young men in the Western world. This research suggests that fastidious awareness should be paid to the use of mild palliatives during pregnancy, as this could be a major ground for the problems.”

Regardless of some precincts in the study – not all of the women may have precisely recalled how frequently they took painkillers, for example – the experts say that their findings suggest that advice to pregnant women on analgesic use should be re-evaluated.

Current advice is that women should circumvent taking medicines while pregnant but that paracetamol is considered safe if used in small doses for short-term pain relief.
The medical research council professor Richard Sharpe said that the second stage was the final stage of testes development, where commotion was most likely. Women should avoid taking pills while pregnant but is considered safe if it is sporadically used for a headache.