Planned Parenthood Donation From Portland Ice Cream Parlor Causes Anti-Abortion Activists To Go Nuts

Anti-abortion activists are up in arms after an ice cream shop in Oregon said a portion of its sales would go to support its local Planned Parenthood. The Portland ice cream shop, What's The Scoop, received nasty messages on its Facebook page after announcing plans to allow the nonprofit organization to sell a new flavor, along with others, for a period of time and to keep 50 percent of the profit.
“Responsible baby killing! Call me a fanatic if you will. I love life and love children!” said one user by the name of Laure Vallez Diamond on Facebook.
The shop teamed up with Planned Parenthood to create a new flavor, which is a mix of honey vanilla and rose petal, called Rose City Revolution. The owner of the store, Jodie Ostrovsky, told The Huffington Post that she was surprised. She’s also a former Planned Parenthood employee who frequently donates to different charities. “This year, honestly, I didn't even think about it," she said.
The pro-life outlet heard about the fundraiser and said, “No it will not be called Blood and Scream."
Other people, like Heather Covert McCarthy, came to the defense of the ice cream shop and Planned Parenthood on Facebook:
15 years ago, planned parenthood made it possible for me to have a healthy baby girl. Without the support of the dedicated women in that center, I don't know what I would have done. Not one person in the center ever looked at me when i showed up, scared and pregnant, and said 'abortion.' They said, let's get you taken care of. Thanks for supporting that. I'd come support YOU, but you are far away.
The backlash has been on both ends of the spectrum. Ostrovsky said that some of the reactions have been scary, the Willamette Week reported.
"What it comes down to," Ostrovksy’s daughter told the Willamette Week, "is that we try to support the organizations we care about in our community. We’re proud to have supported Planned Parenthood, because they provide a much-needed service to women in our community and all over the country."
Contrary to what others have written on the What’s The Scoop Facebook page, Planned Parenthood does not just provide abortions. They provide a wide variety or prenatal and female sexual health services, including the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, mammograms, pregnancy health, and prenatal care.
What’s The Scoop has also supported other organizations such as those researching leukemia and lymphoma. The owners also say they have done other fundraisers for Planned Parenthood and never received such a reaction.