Poor Economy, Binge Drinking Linked, Study Finds
Ever find yourself cracking open a case of beer when you’re broke? Well you’re not alone.
Despite previous studies that found during economic downturns people had less money for unhealthy behaviors like drinking, researchers at the University of Miami found a link between heavy drinking when money is tight.
“Even though incomes decline for most people during an economic downturn, they still increase problematic or risky drinking,” said health economist Michael French, professor of health economics, director of the Health Economics Research Group at the UM College of Arts and Sciences and principal investigator, in a statement.
Analyzing consumption data from 2001 to 2005, French found that binge drinking increased as state-level unemployment rose. Driving while intoxicated and alcohol abuse also rose. Excessive drinking was highest among African Americans and young adults 18 to 24. Binge drinking is also increased as educational level and income of individuals rose.
Study findings were published in journal Health Economics.
Drunken driving has fallen substantially in recent years, a government report noted in early October.
The Centers For Disease Control said self-reported episodes of drunken driving were down from 161 million in 2006 to 112 million in 2010. Men accounted for 81 percent of all episodes.