A terrifyingly effective viral ad campaign to discourage drunk driving in the United Kingdom is sending shockwaves around the world, with over 300,000 views on Youtube after only 24 hours.

Designed by the Leo Burnett ad agency for the British Department of Transport's THINK! anti-drunk-driving campaign, the "#PubLooShocker" video shows a series of unassuming young men at a British pub walking up to a bathroom sink to wash their hands.

Just as each man is about to turn on the faucet, a woman's bloody mannequin head shatters through the mirror with a loud crunch sound effect, mimicking the horror of a driver hitting the windshield upon impact.

At the end of the ad, a screen title asks "What impact could a drink have on your night out?" before viewers are warned "THINK! Don't Drink and Drive."

The THINK! campaign notes on its website that even though British drunk driving casualties have dramatically dropped in the past three decades, there were still 280 deaths from such car accidents in 2011.

In the United States, figures are far higher. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) notes on its site that 9,878 Americans were killed in drunk driving accidents in 2011, and about 350,000 were injured.

The individuals in the #PubLooShocker ad are all actors, according to the Metro UK, but their startled responses mimic what viewers are likely to feel with each crash shown in the video.

Twitter users are reacting to the ad accordingly, filling the #PubLooShocker hash tag stream with testimonials to its effectiveness.

#publooshocker is the best anti drink driving campaign ever. Gruesome

— Adam Robert Herriott (@AdamHerriott) June 7, 2013

maybe watch this when you are a little more awake youtu.be/YJDsH64sqNY #Publooshocker #Think!

— Emily Williams (@EMR_WILLIAMS) June 6, 2013

Seen #publooshockerdrink driving film yet? Holy crap. #behaviourchange?

— Thea McGovern (@theasgarden) June 7, 2013

I think id need to go back to the toilet if I saw this!! #shitscary #think #PubLooShocker

— Ryan Oldfield (@R0ldfield) June 7, 2013

if this ever happened to me i would pee my pants, even if i had just peed. Don't drink and Drive! #Publooshocker

— Sasha Laurin (@SashaLaurin) June 7, 2013

"...the unintended consequence is these poor guys didn't get to finish washing their hands." hypr.vc/18e9lp #PubLooShocker

— Slade Sohmer (@SladeHV) June 7, 2013