Blogger George Prior Drinks 10 Cokes A Day For 30 Days; The Result Is Nothing Short Of Disastrous

By now we’ve all heard how bad sugary soft drinks are for our overall health, but many fail to heed the warnings that are all around us. To show just how unhealthy America’s love affair with soda actually is, George Prior put his body to the test by drinking 10 Cokes a day for 30 days and documented the entire experience. While Prior admits that he expected weight gain at the end of his experiment, he really didn’t know what to expect at the end of his month long binge on an extra 1,400 calories a day.
“Here's what I plan to do: I'm going to follow my normal diet and activity program, but I'm going to make one simple change: I'm also going to drink ten Cokes a day,” Prior explained. “I got a complete physical before I began, so I'll know where my my numbers are for blood sugar, inflammation levels, cholesterol, etc, and I also am going to be testing myself daily and charting the changes. I'm going to test and chart my weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, and, with a glucose monitor, my fasting blood glucose levels every morning.”
After drinking 10 Cokes a day for 30 days in addition to his normal diet of meats, fish, egg, chicken, and green salads, Prior gained 23 pounds and increased his body fat by 65 percent. Prior to drinking more soda in one day than any person should in a week, Prior’s blood pressure was considered normal at 129/77. By the end it had skyrocketed to 143/96. Three days after returning to his normal diet without Coke, he was able to drop five pounds while reporting an increased energy level and better mood.
Although Prior’s dietary experiment was meant to raise awareness for how consuming too much sugar can negatively impact our health, we warn you: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.